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hello there!

Andrea Herrera here! Four year graduate from the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) in Savannah, GA, Majoring in Animation and Minoring in Storyboarding. Born in El Paso, TX I've moved around the country plenty, and I've grown up passionate for storytelling and the visual-narrative conceptualization process when it comes to video games, film, and TV, preferably fantasy, action, and adventure.

I'm an advocate and the weird and off-the-beaten-path means of creative ideas, creative problem solving, serving several roles, and working with a range of ideas and people that keep me on my toes and would like nothing more than to finally set foot properly into industry experience!

I have a wide range of skills but my main focuses are concept development, storyboard and story art, and character and creature design. Head to my resume to check out all else that I can do, and am currently doing!

Currently employed! Website Going Through Adjustments

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